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Celebrating  Class of 2025's Acceptances... so far!


Hi, I'm Jen!  (I'm the short one in the middle.) I'm a professional writer, a credentialed teacher, and I've been

helping students craft standout college essays since 2020.


There is no 'formula' for writing a great essay.

But after consulting with admissions readers and officers, leading college essay workshops, and coaching lots of successful applicants, I've come up with a tried-and-true, totally personalized approach.​  I support students to:

balance clean, cohesive storytelling

with bold and creative touches

that shine real light on who they are.


Here's how (plus free tips every 

college essay writer can use): 

Image by Neil Thomas

I believe your essay should be a proud and positive reflection of who you are. I listen, ask for detail, clarification and expansion, and help gather the threads until a memorable story comes together and the student's voice shines through, strong and compelling. 


The most important thing a writing coach does is take the student seriously - their stories, goals, concerns, voice.  Every student has an authentic take to share, and most could use a little help owning it!  Even self-aware, confident writers benefit greatly from a professional gently helping them to identify what is and is not  important in terms of the college essay. 



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Students I work with create what college AOs want: compelling essay-stories written in lively, authentic voices.  They don't waste space with resume-rehash; they confidently and justifiably weave their skills and achievements into their essays to support the larger point that they are ideal candidates for their chosen school. 


Don't believe that only straight-A students with heaps of extracurriculars have great essay material to work with. I've helped students write knockout essays about starting a doomed business, crashing a car, missing the last train in a foreign country, and being a lousy golfer. It's about owning who you are and showing how you've grown, led, listened, changed... and will continue to do so.

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Applicants get 650 words for the Common App, 350 for the UC PIQ's, less for most supplementals. Organization, prioritization, and editing are musts! Colleges may claim that grammar and syntax don't matter, but errors may muddle the impact of your storytelling.  A good essay is a tightly-crafted word-puzzle, and the student's task is to fit all (and only) the value-adding pieces in. 


If a student gets "stuck" in all that complexity, co-writing on a Zoom shared screen is a game-changer! Together we dump out all the puzzle pieces, turn them right side up, and arrange them to create a seamless whole. I *love* doing these kinds of puzzles, and can help you sort yours out efficiently -saving time and frustration!

Pro Tip / Free Resource
Do not throw away your shot! Check out Episodes 4, 5, and 6 of the Inside the Yale Admissions Office Podcast for a refreshingly honest look into what AO's do (and don't!) want to read. AO's consider certain topics irredeemably cliché/overused, no matter how scintillating your take!

The Process

We typically start with a free 30 minute Zoom call (book online here!) where I get to know the student’s goals, timeline, and “where they are at”.  I send students a Google Doc to help them organize, schools, deadlines, essay prompts, etc. I may ask them to send/create a resume to make sure nothing important gets left out. Then, we meet over Zoom (or exchange Google Docs) an average of four times:


Information Gathering

Student sends essay ideas / outlines / resume / draft(s) -- whatever they have.


We discuss student's goals and potential topics or prompts.



Idea to Draft

Student sends next draft incorporating ideas, edits, and recommendations.


I return ASAP with edits. Deep dive into resume, goals, dreams, details. Zoom call to discuss and possibly co-write.

Dig Deep

Student sends next draft incorporating ideas, edits, and recommendations.


I return ASAP with edits, or we set up a Zoom call to discuss, item by item, line by line. Tone is refined.



Polish and

Student sends completed essay(s).


Final content check, final proofread, "one last think". Confirm “ready to submit”.

90% of my students prefer to co-write with me over Zoom. Some crank their essays out in one or two sessions! Four sessions is fairly typical for a Common App Essay from start to finish, whereas some students will grind away for months on their Personal Statement and supplementals. As a teacher and parent of teens, I'm all about encouraging students' independence and meeting them where they are at, within the constraints of their family's budget!

Details & FAQ's

A perfectly reasonable parent asked me: why would a competent student need a college essay coach? She wrote her essay all by herself, and she got into college just fine! It's true, and I didn't use a writing coach either. Also true: we were applying to college (cough cough) 30 years ago. Like it or not, things have gotten more competitive.  I can't turn back time to when college apps were simpler and good-enough essays were good enough.  I can help each student I work with write the best essays they can.


But seriously, what kind of student benefits from working with a writing coach?

  • a student who wants to go above and beyond and write seriously standout essays;

  • a student who feels stuck; like they have nothing original to say; are just rehashing their resumes;

  • a student who needs help explaining something deeply challenging or complex about their lives in their college essays;

  • a students whose essays read boring, blah, vanilla - and they don't know how to fix it.

  • a student who is busy! Or procrastinated! Or maybe both, and now they need to get those essays done and done right!

What kind of student genuinely doesn't need (much) coaching?


If a student has answered the essay prompt fully and well; feels fantastic about their essay, with no lingering uncertainty or "what-if's?"; if an adult who is a good writer AND understands the assignment AND is not afraid to be brutally honest has looked over the essay and agrees that it's great: CONGRATULATIONS, they did it!


I humbly submit that a second opinion from a pro writer/editor is always a very good idea, not to mention a zero-risk investment as I don't charge for a 30-minute initial consult / look-over. I always send my important work to my Writing Salon, experienced writers and editors, etc., to "sign off" on before pressing "submit". I can't tell you how many times they have caught not just silly typos, but places where I really could have done better, been clearer, said more. It takes both engaging writers and engaged readers to make an essay great. Something to think about.


What is your rate? How much can we expect to pay? 

I do not charge a fee for our initial 30-minute get-to-know-you, no-obligation-whatsoever session.

I charge $100/hour, payable via Venmo or Zelle.  I charge only for time spent specifically in the craft of helping your student create brilliant college essays.​ I do not charge for administrative the time or for time I spend researching your student’s desired schools and what those schools look for in their applicants, unless you ask me to go above and beyond my usual process on your student’s behalf.  


Services include all aspects of writing help including content coaching, content editing, fine-tuning of tone and style, rigorous grammar and syntax check, and final proofreading.  If need be, I will share student's work with UC Reader and college advisor colleagues.


The amount of time each student requires varies varies greatly, but 4 to 6 hours is typical.

Can't we find college essay help for free online?


College websites have terrific guides on answering their own essay prompts, and I would advise every student to start there.

College Essay Guy (Ethan Sawyer) has tremendous resources online and I totally watch / recommend them!  I also monitor the A2C (Applying to College) sub on Reddit. If your student can translate what they glean from online resources into a great essay, that's fantastic!


My student's high school teacher / counselor / writing-helper-person looked over their essay. They're good to go, right?

This is a tricky one. I am a teacher. I love teachers! School counselors, English teachers, even some internet essay gurus can be great resources for college essay writers.  But my students' experiences attest that not every counselor or college advisor is an optimal college essay writing coach:

  • A client received feedback from his counselor that his essays were done- great!  And yet... he felt he could do better. He just didn't know how.  We ended up completely rewriting his essays (4 hours of work) until he felt 100% confident in them.  Either the counselor had underestimated what he was capable of, or they saw nothing wrong with a student submitting an... unfocused, lackluster essay. I believe that every single student I work with is capable of essay greatness.  


  • Also common - a teacher or advisor recommends a change, and it's good advice - which the student then struggles to implement. This is where the writing coach comes in, with a technician's eye for content and detail, and an artist's feel for craft, to show not tell students how to turn their experiences into words that shine.​​

Unlike most teachers, I get to create a dedicated, one-on-one, professional relationship with your student.  They have my undivided attention and assistance until they have written essays that truly do it all. I don't tell just tell your student what to do and leave them to figure it out (or not). I break the process down into achievable steps, and support them through it.


Of course my student won't use AI to write their essay, but it's a great tool for getting that first draft together, right? 


I do not use AI, and I sincerely caution all students against using Chat GPT or other AI resources. Some of my students use it in their own draft process, and I don't love that... but I will help them un-AI it. For me, there's just too much at stake. Admissions readers are excellent at identifying AI-influenced writing. Colleges are investing in technology to identify AI-generated writing. None of them condone the use of AI in college essays. Why risk it?

There's another reason why I'm firmly against using ChatGPT in college essays.  ChatGPT produces very well-put-together sentences with clean grammar and clear syntax (most of the time). Problem is, most people (and just about all high schoolers!) naturally write with, shall we say, funkier grammar and syntax. These charming idiosyncrasies help create *voice*, one of a writer's strongest assets! Students and parents are sometimes surprised when I choose not to iron every last syntactical kink out of an essay. I leave this stuff in because a) it's them, it's awesome, and it's honest, and b) it lets colleges know that this student did not use ChatGPT or other AI outsourcing.

What's your background? What makes you an expert?

For my full writing, business, and educational background, check out my About Jen page and my C.V.:


I began working with college applicants in 2020 after completing a training with Encuentros, a non-profit organization that pairs professional writers with college seniors are the first in their families to attend college.  I was amazed to learn (from sources including UC, CS, etc. admissions officers and essay readers) that there are serious do’s and don’ts when crafting college essay responses, and that these are not necessarily common knowledge.  I don't believe in "gatekeeping" information that would benefit many; my new writing mission was to share this knowledge with as many students as I could! Since then, I have helped dozens of young people craft their college essays via workshops, one-on-one Zoom sessions, and lots of swapping of Google Docs.

My "why":  I do this work because I genuinely believe in the possibilities of language, self-expression, storytelling, and I LOVE giving kids the tools they need to succeed! 

How do we get started?

Contact Jen to schedule a free consultation by email or phone. I highly recommend getting started in the "off-season", Winter/Spring, as I will book up (and have to charge more) during the high-demand period of late Summer/Fall. 

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© Jen Laffler  2020-2024

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